Here's to simple living. I set this up in the winter: The dryer was making a noise that sounded like a mix between an elephant and a weed eater. It somehow fixed itself but to avoid what I thought was an expensive repair, I went for a nine dollar fix--buy a much needed rope and 50 clothespins and let the heat from the furnace dry the laundry as it heats the house.
Now that it's finally above freezing in New England we can move it outside and laundry will dry faster saving both natural gas, electricity, and the external and financial costs of both. If there were an ordinance against clotheslines (as there are in some places), we could hang them in the attic and the heat would dry them much faster than in the basement.
It is interesting to consider the cost of time spent hanging laundry vs tossing it in the dryer compared to the energy conservation. I've had some late nights hanging it all up, and there isn't enough line to hang more than 2 loads if we're all washing. Just like other things with simple living it goes best with proper planning and intentionality to set aside that time.
It does make a difference. After that furnace, the dryer is our highest energy-consuming appliance. It is the highest electricity consumer in most homes. Ever consider a clothesline in your yard, basement, or attic?
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